More About Me
I moved to Florida in 1984 from Davison Michigan, a small town outside of Flint. Growing up in a GM family, the 80's offered a high school graduate absolutely zero chance of getting into the industry. Following commencements, I packed my bags and drove south to Fort Lauderdale where a friend of the family was a painting contractor. After a brief stint working for him, I found a ground level job working for a tree surgeon. I fell in love with the tree care industry and eventually started my own company and continued building it for ten years. Raising a family and in need of a more stable paycheck, I took another entry level position at a golf course as an assistant mechanic. Soon I got a head mechanics position at a different course but relocated to Brevard County in 2005 where I got an equipment manager position at a private golf club.My attention to detail is second to none, which is why I feel real estate will be a perfect fit for me. Helping people find that "perfect" home or helping somebody find the perfect person to purchase their home will be my ultimate goal.